
Friday, June 05, 2009


Mast, (Yogurt)

Mast, known in the West as yogurt, is used almost in every Iranian family as well as all over the Middle Eastern and Balkan countries. Some physicians attribute the stamina and longevity of the Middle Eastern and Balkan people to Mast.

However, these same people were among the poorest people in the world and their daily food lacked the vitamins required for good health. That's why yogurt was considered the panacea for human ills, and the Iranians' long lite in the past was also attributed to it. It is said that Chengiz Khan lived on it during his long marches through Mongolia and Iran when he couldn't obtain other food.

The Middle Easterners had known mast, which is now popular in the West, by different names. In Iran, yogurt is the food of the rich as well as the poor.

Walking down the avenues at lunch hour in major cities, you will see the mason, cobbler, the carpenter, the storekeeper, all using yogurts as a part of their daily food. If you go into a restaurant, you will find yogurt served there in many forms. Read More

The Healthful Benefits of Yogurt

Since yogurt is made from dairy products, it is very high in calcium, which is highly beneficial for bone and teeth health. Calcium is especially important for those seeking to prevent bone density loss and osteoporosis. Healthy levels of calcium can also encourage the body to maintain and lose weight.

Yogurt is also a good source of protein, which helps give the body energy to keep you going throughout the day. Protein is an essential building block for many systems in the body, including your muscles. Protein is also good for curbing your appetite and helping you feel full for a longer period of time. Read More


Satu hal utama yang membuat yogurt sebagai minuman istimewa adalah khasiatnya bagi kesehatan. Bukan baru-baru ini saja, masyarakat Timur Tengah telah memanfaatkan yogurt sebagai minuman kesehatan selama sekitar 4000 th yang lalu. Selain itu negara lain seperti Turki, Perancis, Mesir, India, Yunani, Bulgaria dan Rusia adalah Negara-negara yang telah menggunakan yogurt sebagai minuman sehari-hari, bahkan hadir dalam berbagai bentuk menu masakan.

Yogurt merupakan makanan hasil kerjasama dengan mikroorganisme. Tentu saja tidak sembarang mikroorganisme. Ada lima jenis bakteri yang ramah yang paling dikenal. Bakteri yang menguntungkan ini dikenal sebagai bakteri probiotik.. Diantaranya adalah: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus thermophillus dan Lactobacillus bulgaricus. D...Read More

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